Auto Accident Injury: Types, Effects, and Complications

Surviving a major car accident requires a stroke of luck, but even in that scenario, you may still have numerous issues to deal with. Any severe auto accident injury can cause a wide range of troublesome symptoms. Here at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, we help residents of Lubbock, TX, recover from those injuries.


Let’s take this opportunity to discuss the different injuries that you may sustain following your involvement in a car crash. We’ll also highlight the ways our chiropractor near you can help address those health issues.

Spinal Cord Injuries

A spinal cord injury could very well be the most severe byproduct of your road mishap. This injury may develop as a result of a direct blow to your back. The crushing impact generated during the crash can fracture or dislocate the bones in your spine.

Symptoms associated with spinal cord injuries include intense pain, reduced flexibility, and sensory numbness. People with severe spinal cord injuries may also lose control of their bladder and bowel, breathing troubles, and paralysis.


It’s hard to maintain control of your body during a car crash. By the time you see the dashboard in front of you, it may already be too late to prevent impact. You may develop a concussion as a result of hitting your head on a dashboard or some other hard object.

Concussions are no joke. Even mild concussions may come with troublesome symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Some people with concussions also experience bouts of depression, difficulty sleeping, and memory issues. Seeking immediate treatment from a chiropractic care specialist is a must if you have this particular auto accident injury.

Whiplash Injuries

Whiplash injuries may seem mild compared to spinal cord injuries and concussions, but they can still adversely affect your quality of life. This injury is most often caused by violent, uncontrolled head movement, such as your head whipping back and forth during an accident. You will likely experience neck pain and stiffness because of your whiplash. More severe symptoms of whiplash include headaches, blurred vision, and memory problems.

Chiropractic Treatment for Auto Accident Injuries

Consult a chiropractor near you as soon as possible if you are experiencing any of the injuries detailed in this article. At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, we provide comprehensive treatment for many auto accident injuries. Call us today or drop by our location in Lubbock, TX, and let's begin your treatment regimen.


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