How to Prevent Hip Pain with Chiropractic Care

Hip pain isn’t always related to a bad fall or other traumatic event. In many cases, hip pain emerges as a result of overuse injuries, muscle pulls, or degenerative conditions. Regardless of why you’re experiencing hip pain, it’s important to remember that you can seek treatment from a chiropractor near you. At Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine, we offer chiropractic hip pain solutions to residents of Lubbock, TX.


Chiropractic care can also help prevent hip pain in different ways. Learn more about its preventative benefits by continuing below.

Your Chiropractor Can Teach You Proper Posture

Many patients who need hip pain treatment are dealing with overuse injuries. You may develop an overuse injury because your job involves plenty of physical labor. However, overuse injuries can also develop from poor posture.

Poor posture while sitting at your desk can place excessive strain on your hips. As the damage accumulates, you may soon find yourself suffering from excruciating pain. You can prevent things from ever reaching that point by working closely with your chiropractor. Discuss proper body positioning with your chiropractor so you can develop healthy habits in the office. Those posture tips can also prove helpful if your job requires manual labor. Avoiding wear and tear caused by overuse injuries can keep your hips in good condition long-term.

Your Chiropractor Can Help Optimize Your Exercise Habits

Exercising is vital to preventing hip injuries. By keeping your hips strong and flexible, you can avoid many of the issues known to affect those joints. Shedding excess pounds can also reduce the strain on your hips.

Adopting an exercise habit is only the first step. You must also learn how to perform those exercises properly by working with a chiropractor. Once you’ve gotten the hang of your new routine, you can start performing those exercises at home.

Our chiropractor near you can also teach you how to properly warm up. Make sure you follow our instructions so you can avoid injuries while exercising.

Your Chiropractor Can Put Together Your Meal Plan

Ensuring you remain at a healthy weight is another component to ensuring your body remains pain free. The diet you have now may not be ideally suited for your body’s needs. After evaluating your current condition, your chiropractor can put together a meal plan that fits you better.

Hip Pain Treatment and Prevention Plans Courtesy of an Expert Chiropractor

Prevent hip pain from becoming a presence in your daily life by working with us at Lubbock Advanced Physical Medicine. Call us today or visit our office in Lubbock, TX, and let's create your hip pain prevention plan!


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